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Hire Cost 

Machines are hired at a cost of £60 per day - 2024. 
Combined Events (2 Days) will be charged at £90.
We have a new offering for Clubs / Counties that will be hiring more than 5 times in a season – If we can we will base one of our units with you for the season so it is always to hand and you are not reliant on other parties. Please contact us for further details. Other multiple day hire requirements please send enquiry.


We constantly strive to keep the cost of these machine hires down and as such work closely with local officials all over the country. This mutual co-operation in many cases enables machines to get to the required location at no cost.
However if we do have to charge carriage it would be £30 each way. You would be advised at time of booking if this would apply.


Hirer is responsible of goods during meeting and time from machine being delivered to being returned.


If an Operator is required for the day this would be 40p per mile from the officials home address & return.
We try and get local cover but this is not always available.

Complex requirements please enquire.

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